Revd Dr Catherine Ball
Associate Tutor in Congregational Ministry

Email: tbc
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 330649


Catherine’s particular areas of interest are Practical Theology and Church in Society. She has been a pastoral minister in the United Reformed Church for 23 years and is presently at St Ives Free Church and Fenstanton URC. As well as worship leading and pastoral care, Catherine believes the church is called to serve the local community according to its social context. Prior to pastoral ministry, Catherine was a hospital social worker in Canada, serving on Maternity, Paediatrics and Psychiatry wards. She was also a part-time Hospital Chaplain at Hinchingbrooke Hospital in the NHS for three years.

Catherine earned her Doctor of Ministry (DMin) at Princeton Theological Seminary. She also earned a BA in Social Work at Ryerson University, an MA in Theological Studies at Tyndale Theological Seminary, and an MA in Social Work. Catherine trained for ministry at Westminster, earning an MA in Pastoral Theology. She is presently completing the Certificate in Pastoral Supervision and is supervising ministers and Church Related Community Workers  in the URC.

She is a member of the Faith and Order Committee of the URC. She has also served as Eastern Synod’s representative to the URC’s Assembly Executive, which is the executive body of the General Assembly, as Area Partnership Pastoral Advocate, and as Eastern Synod Trustee.

Catherine is married with two grown sons and two grandsons. Her past times include gardening, tennis, badminton and hosting dinner parties.