Please scroll down for levels 4, 5, 6 & 7

Level 4 Module List

Module Code: 1011

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Introduction to the New Testament (Term time delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module offers an initial overview of the New Testament, various genres, major theological themes, contexts, and concerns out of which major New Testament books emerged. It examines how ancient authors expressed pastoral concerns and theological convictions and explores the use of the New Testament in various eras.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 24, Preparation: 176, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written Assignment, 2,000 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Assessed Conversation, 20 mins: 50%

Module Code: 1011

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Introduction to the New Testament (Online delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: Same as above.
Delivery Methods: Synchronous lectures and seminars; asynchronous engagement with distance learning materials
Contact Hours: Virtual Classroom-based: 10, Asynchronous engagement: 20, Preparation: 170, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written Assignment, 2,000 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Oral Presentation, 20 mins: 50%

Module Code: 1021

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Introduction to the Old Testament (Term time delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module provides an initial overview of the Old Testament, focusing on key genres and modern biblical scholarship tools. It introduces students to the historical plot of the Old Testament and its relevance to contemporary Christian life.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars/workshops
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Oral Presentation, 20 mins: 50%
  • Component 2: Assessed Conversation, 20 mins: 50%

Module Code: 1021

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Introduction to the Old Testament (Online delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: Same as above.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars/workshops
Contact Hours: Virtual Classroom-based: 10, Asynchronous engagement: 20, Preparation: 170, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Oral Presentation, 20 mins: 50%
  • Component 2: Assessed Conversation, 20 mins: 50%

Module Code: 1067

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Elementary New Testament Greek
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module equips students for engagement with New Testament texts, introducing grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of koine Greek, and discussing dynamics of translating ancient texts into modern English.
Delivery Methods: Practical Classes
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 32, Preparation: 68, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Language Test, 20 mins: 20%
  • Component 2: Language test, 1 hour: 80%

Module Code: 1097

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Continuing Biblical Hebrew: Texts Study
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module develops understanding of Biblical Hebrew, focusing on reading and translating selected texts, and evaluating different translations.
Delivery Methods: Practical Classes
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 30, Preparation: 70, Total: 100
Assessment Methods: Component 1: Written Assignment, 2,500 words: 100%

Module Code: 1107

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Brief Introduction to Christian Doctrine (Termtime, Block, and Online deliveries)
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module provides an overview of key areas of Christian doctrine, exploring sources, methods, and the development of doctrines such as the Trinity, salvation, and the Church.
Delivery Methods: Guided reading, lectures, and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom/Virtual Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods: Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 100%

Module Code: 1147

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Brief Introduction to Church History (Termtime, Block, and Online deliveries)
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module builds foundations for ongoing study in Christian History. It explores the development of Christianity from its early days as a persecuted sect to an official religion within the Empire. Students will examine key historical figures and events, the formation of Christian doctrine, and the emergence of monasticism. The course aims to help students understand the historical context of Christian beliefs and practices, providing a framework for their own theological reflections.
Delivery Methods: Guided reading, lectures, and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom/Virtual Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Resource for Others, 2,500 words: 100%

Module Code: 1191

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Informal Learning with Young People and Children
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module offers knowledge of good practices in how young people and children learn. It covers theories, approaches, and methodologies of learning, including learning theorists, the learning cycle, and learning processes. It also addresses facilitating learning groups in various contexts, supporting young people and children with additional needs, and responding to challenging behavior. The module integrates theological themes with learning processes.
Delivery Methods: Context-based learning and group work
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Context engagement: 80, Preparation: 100, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Project, 4,000 words equivalent: 100%

Module Code: 1211

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Foundations for Theology and Reflective Practice (Long) (Block delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module introduces students to ongoing ministerial training and study. It acts as a gateway into professional ministerial practice rooted in theological study, practice wisdom, and faith. The module covers theological reflective practice, combining theological study with analysis of self and context. It also provides study support to bridge into degree-level study.
Delivery Methods: Seminars, lectures, small group work, and supervised placement
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Context engagement: 80, Preparation: 100, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Reflective Learning Journal, 2,000 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Written Theological Reflection, 2,000 words: 50%

Module Code: 1211

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Foundations for Theology and Reflective Practice (Long) (Online delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: Same as above.
Delivery Methods: Seminars, lectures, small group work, and supervised placement
Contact Hours: Virtual Classroom-based: 10, Engagement with distance learning materials: 20, Preparation: 170, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Reflective Learning Journal, 2,000 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Written Theological Reflection, 2,000 words: 50%

Module Code: 1277

Category: Theological Reflection and Reflective practice

Module Title: Integrative Learning for Collaborative Practice A: Five Marks of Mission
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module introduces students to the Five Marks of Mission, expressing the Anglican Communion’s commitment to God’s mission. It covers the theological and biblical foundations of each Mark and explores their practical application in local contexts. Students work collaboratively to create a resource for local churches introducing the Five Marks.
Delivery Methods: Classes
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Module preparation: 20, Independent study: 70, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Group project, 1,500 words equivalent: 60%
  • Component 2: Reflective Journal, 1,000 words: 40%

Module Code: 1291

Module Title: Independent Learning Project (Long)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module enables students to engage in independent learning on a chosen subject related to discipleship, mission, and ministry. Students, in consultation with a tutor, identify a topic relevant to ministry and develop a project involving both library and practical research.
Delivery Methods: Supervisions and self-directed study
Contact Hours: Tutorials: 2, Independent study: 198, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 4,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 1397

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Creating New Christian Communities
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module introduces students to biblical resources and theological themes for church planting and creating new church expressions. It encourages critical reflection on contemporary and historical examples and covers sociological, strategic, and missiological principles for forming new Christian communities.
Delivery Methods: Seminars, practical classes, and small group work
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment – essay, 2,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 1421

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Introduction to Pastoral Care (Online delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module explores major themes and issues in pastoral care in congregational contexts, examining its place in Christian communities. It covers scriptural models, social sciences, psychology, listening skills, and best practices in safeguarding and pastoral care.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and small group learning
Contact Hours: Virtual Classroom-based: 10, Engagement with Distance Learning Materials: 20, Preparation: 170, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment to a specialist audience, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Written theological reflection, 2,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 1447

Category: Theological Reflection and Reflective practice

Module Title: Foundations for Reflective Practice in Context (Short)
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module involves a partnership between the student’s training institution and a placement, ministerial, or work-based context. It provides skills in understanding and analyzing context, integrating theological inquiry with pastoral practice, and working effectively within the placement setting.
Delivery Methods: Seminars and small group learning
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 16, Context engagement: 25 to 50, Preparation: 40 to 65, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written theological reflection, 2,500 words: 100%

Module Code: 1451

Category: Theological Reflection and Reflective practice

Module Title: Foundations for Reflective Practice in Context (Long) (Block delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: Same as above.
Delivery Methods: Facilitated small group learning
Contact Hours: Context engagement and facilitated learning: 120, Preparation: 80, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Portfolio, 5,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 1491

Category: Theological Reflection and Reflective practice

Module Title: Basic Playwork Skills in Children’s Practice (Block delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module offers knowledge of good practice in developing purposeful relationships with children and families, covering theories of relationships, communication, listening skills, principles and practice of play, and learning processes and methods. It includes leadership, team theory, self-management, and administration skills.
Delivery Methods: Facilitated small group learning
Contact Hours: Group work: 20, Context engagement: 100, Personal study: 80, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Assessed Conversation, 25 minutes: 50%
  • Component 2: Practical Skills Assessment, 20 minutes, and Theological Reflection, 1,000 words: 50%

Module Code: 1491

Category: Theological Reflection and Reflective practice

Module Title: Basic Playwork Skills in Children’s Practice (Online delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: Same as above.
Delivery Methods: Online, small group learning
Contact Hours: Virtual Classroom: 10, Engagement with Distance Learning Materials: 20, Personal study: 170, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Assessed Conversation, 25 minutes: 50%
  • Component 2: Practical Skills Assessment, 20 minutes, and Theological Reflection, 1,000 words: 50%

Module Code: 1501

Category: Theological Reflection and Reflective practice

Module Title: Basic Youth Work Skills and Practice (Online delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: Same as above.
Delivery Methods: Online, small group learning
Contact Hours: Virtual Classroom: 10, Engagement with Distance Learning Materials: 20, Personal study: 170, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Assessed Conversation, 25 minutes: 50%
  • Component 2: Practical Skills Assessment, 20 minutes, and Theological Reflection, 1,000 words: 50%

Module Code: 1537

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Introduction to Christian Worship (Westminster College Block delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module offers an introduction to Christian worship, examining its ecumenical, historical, theological, and phenomenological aspects. It covers the origins and development of Christian worship forms, with a focus on baptism, eucharist, and the proclamation of the word within the Western liturgical tradition. The module includes contemporary contextual challenges and negotiating faithfulness to tradition.
Delivery Methods: Seminars and small group study
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Oral presentation, 10 mins, 1,000 word equivalent: 40%
  • Component 2: Essay, 1,500 words: 60%

Module Code: 1537

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Introduction to Christian Worship (Termtime delivery)
Level: 4
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module examines the Jewish roots of Christian worship in dialogue with biblical texts and theological tradition. It explores various aspects of Christian worship, enabling students to understand the relationship between theology and liturgy, engage with the historical development of worship forms, and design contemporary corporate worship.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Essay, 2,000 words: 100%

Level 5 Module List

Module Code: 2011

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Bible in Context (Termtime and Block deliveries)
Level: 5
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module helps students understand the Bible within its original and historical context, examining different interpretative approaches. It encourages students to develop good practices in using the Bible within their own contexts and critically assess their interpretations.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 24, Preparation: 176, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written Assignment addressed to a specialist audience, 2,000 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Oral Presentation, 20 mins: 50%

Module Code: 2077

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: New Testament Text Study in Context (Block delivery)
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module focuses on the intensive study of St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, exploring interpretative approaches and the text’s relevance to contemporary Christian theology, preaching, and praxis.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written Assignment – essay, 2,500 words: 100%

Module Code: 2087

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Old Testament Text Study in Context (Block delivery)
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module focuses on close critical reading and intensive study of a particular Old Testament text, developing critical skills and encouraging life-long learning. It covers modern scholarship tools and the text’s relevance to contemporary ecclesial communities.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars, and small group learning
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Assessed conversation, 20 mins: 100%

Module Code: 2121

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Topics in Christian Doctrine
Level: 5
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module explores major areas of doctrine, emphasizing their roots in Scripture and their expression in recent and contemporary theology. Topics include systematic theology, Trinitarian theology, Christology, soteriology, sacramental theology, and ecclesiology.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Resource for others, 1,000 words, and written rationale/commentary, 1,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 2157

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Topics in Church History
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module focuses on medieval Christianity and its impact on contemporary practices and global debates, using UNESCO World Heritage sites to highlight important events and ideas in Christianity between c. 600-1500.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written Assignment, 2,500 words: 100%

Module Code: 2171

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Christian Faith and Ethical Living (Termtime and Block deliveries)
Level: 5
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module integrates theory and practice of Christian ethics, encouraging a deeper academic understanding and practical living of Christian faith. It examines sources, approaches, and norms shaping Christian ethics and explores various ethical topics.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and small group seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Resource for Others, 2,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 2197

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Education for a Learning Church (Lay Ministry Block delivery, in tandem with 2207)
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module covers principles and practices of learning, reflecting on the place of education in the mission and ministry of the church. It includes learning theory, learning styles, group dynamics, and faith development. Students will develop skills to design, produce, implement, and evaluate learning activities and resources.

Module Code: 2197

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Education for a Learning Church (Lay Ministry Block delivery, in tandem with 2207)
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module covers principles and practices of learning, reflecting on the place of education in the mission and ministry of the church. It includes learning theory, learning styles, group dynamics, and faith development. Students will develop skills to design, produce, implement, and evaluate learning activities and resources.
Delivery Methods: Classes and context-based learning
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Context engagement: 40, Preparation: 50, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 100%

Module Code: 2207

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Education for a Learning Church in Context (Lay Ministry Block delivery, in tandem with 2197)
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module covers principles and practices of learning for specific groups relevant to the student’s context and ministry, such as children, families, young people, and older learners. It includes learning theory and practice relevant to the target group and context, designing and evaluating learning activities and resources.
Delivery Methods: Classes and context-based learning
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Context engagement: 40, Preparation: 50, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Resource for others with written rationale, 2,000 words equivalent: 100%

Module Code: 2211

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Leadership & Theology for Ministry and Mission (Block delivery)
Level: 5
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module introduces biblical and theological understandings of leadership, authority, service, and collaboration within the context of church ministry and mission. It covers spirituality and servant leadership, management within a church context, building teams, managing meetings, decisions, and conflict resolution.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars, and small-group work
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 24, Preparation: 176, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Written theological reflection, 2,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 2277

Category: Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Integrative Learning for Collaborative Practice A: Theology and Trauma
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module provides an interdisciplinary introduction to Theology and Trauma, drawing on contemporary psychological, pastoral, theological, and biblical research. It equips students to be theologically and pastorally informed in their encounters with those affected by trauma. The module involves group activities and assessments to develop cross-disciplinary skills.
Delivery Methods: Integrative Learning
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 20, Independent study including group work: 70, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Group project, 1,500 words equivalent: 60%
  • Component 2: Reflective journal, 1,000 words: 40%

Module Code: 2297

Module Title: Independent Learning Project (Short)
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module enables participants to engage in independent learning related to a chosen subject area in discipleship, mission, and ministry. Students identify a topic with their tutor and develop a project involving library and practical research.
Delivery Methods: Supervisions and self-directed study
Contact Hours: Supervisions: 2, Independent study: 98, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 3,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 2301

Module Title: Independent Learning Project (Long)
Level: 5
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module enables participants to engage in independent learning on a chosen subject related to discipleship, mission, and ministry. Students identify a topic with their tutor and develop a project involving library and practical research.
Delivery Methods: Supervisions and self-directed study
Contact Hours: Supervisions: 2, Independent study: 198, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Portfolio, 100%, consisting of Written Piece of Work, 3,000 words, 50% + Oral Presentation, 20 minutes, 50%

Module Code: 2321

Category: Ministry and Mission & Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Developing Ministry and Worship in Context (Westminster College, Block delivery)
Level: 5
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module involves a sustained placement or place of work providing a focus for reflection on Christian worship, spirituality, preaching, pastoral care, and children’s faith development. Students engage in supervised placements and reflect on their experiences in relation to the traditions of the United Reformed Church.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, small group work, and supervised placement
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Student Directed Learning: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Portfolio, 5,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 2411

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Mission and Apologetics in Contemporary Culture (Termtime and Block deliveries)
Level: 5
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module helps students engage missionally with contemporary culture, exploring the relationship between Christianity and its social and cultural context. It covers major intellectual, social, and religious trends, missional engagement skills, and apologetics.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, class discussion, and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Oral presentation to a non-specialist audience, 15 mins + written rationale, 1,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 2707

Category: Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Integrative Learning for Collaborative Practice B: Interfaith
Level: 5
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module examines scriptural sources, external forces, accidents of history, and internal pressures shaping contemporary religious leadership in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Students visit local synagogues and mosques and hear from Jewish, Muslim, and Christian leaders. It aims to provide a better understanding of non-Christian religious leadership and reflect on contemporary Christian leadership.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, discussions, visits to places of worship
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 20, Independent study including group work: 70, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Group project: 60%
  • Component 2: Reflective learning journal, 1,000 words: 40%

Module Code: 2732

Module Title: Term Study Abroad
Level: 5
Credits: 40
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module requires the student to undertake a term of study at an approved institution. The programme ensures that students fulfill the learning outcomes for the DipHE or BA in Theology, Ministry, and Mission.
Delivery Methods: Set by institution
Contact Hours: Set by institution
Assessment Methods: Set by institution

Level 6 Module List

Module Code: 3047

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Further New Testament Text Study in Context (Block delivery)
Level: 6
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Category: Biblical Studies
Summary of Content: This module focuses on intensive study of a selected New Testament text, exploring interpretative approaches and the text’s relevance to contemporary Christian theology, preaching, and praxis.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 100%

Module Code: 3057

Category: Biblical Studies

Module Title: Further Old Testament Text Study in Context (Block delivery)
Level: 6
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module explores in-depth critical reading and study of a particular Old Testament text, developing interpretative skills and encouraging life-long learning. It includes the use of modern scholarship tools and the text’s relevance to contemporary ecclesial communities.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and classes
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 90, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Assessed conversation, 20 mins: 100%

Module Code: 3101

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Christian Doctrine in Focus
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module offers an in-depth exploration of Political Theology. It introduces major sources, traditions, approaches, and themes in both historical and contemporary Christian political theologies, covering key historical perspectives and emerging voices in the field.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Literature Review, 1,500-2,000 words: 40%
  • Component 2: Assessed Conversation, 30 mins: 60%

Module Code: 3121

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Methods in Modern Theology (Block delivery)
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module surveys diverse approaches in modern theology, exploring their contexts, methods, and legacies. It encourages study of major modern theological texts and debates their implications and impact, helping students develop their own theological judgments and commitments.
Delivery Methods: Seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Resource for others, 1,000 words + 1,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 3181

Category: Christian Tradition

Module Title: Christian Faith & Ethical Living
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module integrates the theory and practice of Christian ethics, encouraging a deeper academic understanding and practical living of Christian faith. It covers sources, approaches, and norms shaping Christian ethics, and examines various ethical topics such as war, peace, medicine, bioethics, sexuality, and race.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Resource for others, 2,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 3191

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Leadership & Theology for Ministry and Mission
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module introduces biblical and theological understandings of leadership, authority, service, and collaboration within the perspective of the church’s ministry and mission. It covers spirituality and servant leadership, management within a church context, building teams, managing meetings, decisions, and conflict resolution.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars, and small-group work
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 24, Preparation: 176, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Written theological reflection, 2,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 3201

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Adult Education and the Learning Church (Hybrid delivery – in person and on Zoom)
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module explores the education of adults for Christian discipleship, evaluating different adult education theories and their relation to Christian discipleship and ministerial contexts. It includes planning, structuring, and evaluating sessions, preparing handouts, facilitating group discussions, and integrating various media.
Delivery Methods: Seminars, practical classes,

Module Code: 3201

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Adult Education and the Learning Church (Hybrid delivery – in person and on Zoom)
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module explores the education of adults for Christian discipleship, evaluating different adult education theories and their relation to Christian discipleship and ministerial contexts. It includes planning, structuring, and evaluating sessions, preparing handouts, facilitating group discussions, and integrating various media.
Delivery Methods: Seminars, practical classes, and small group work
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Oral presentation, 15 mins: 40%
  • Component 2: Resource for Others, 3,000 words: 60%

Module Code: 3317

Category: Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Integrative Learning for Collaborative Practice A: Theology and Trauma
Level: 6
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module provides a basic interdisciplinary introduction to Theology and Trauma, drawing on contemporary psychological, pastoral, theological, and biblical research. It equips students to be theologically and pastorally informed in their encounters with those affected by trauma. The module involves group activities and assessments to develop cross-disciplinary skills.
Delivery Methods: Integrative Learning
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 20, Independent study including group work: 70, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Group project, 1,500 words equivalent: 60%
  • Component 2: Reflective journal, 1,000 words: 40%

Module Code: 3337

Module Title: Independent Learning Project (Short)
Level: 6
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module enables participants to engage in independent learning related to a chosen subject area in discipleship, mission, and ministry. Students identify a topic with their tutor and develop a project involving library and practical research.
Delivery Methods: Self-directed study
Contact Hours: Self-directed study: 98, Supervisions: 2, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written piece of work, 3,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 3341

Module Title: Independent Learning Project (Long)
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: Yes (and/or TMM3362)
Summary of Content: This module enables participants to engage in independent learning on a chosen subject related to discipleship, mission, and ministry. Students identify a topic with their tutor and develop a project involving library and practical research.
Delivery Methods: Self-directed study
Contact Hours: Self-directed study: 196, Tutorials: 4, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written piece of work, 6,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 3362

Module Title: Dissertation in Theology, Ministry & Mission
Level: 6
Credits: 40
Compulsory: Yes (and/or TMM3341)
Summary of Content: A dissertation provides an opportunity to develop research skills and inquiry-based learning, laying the foundation for future work at a higher degree level. Students identify a topic with their tutor and develop a dissertation proposal, conducting in-depth research.
Delivery Methods: Self-directed study
Contact Hours: Self-directed study: 393, Supervisions: 4 x 1.5 hrs, Seminars: 1, Total: 400
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Dissertation, 12,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 3431

Category: Ministry and Mission

Module Title: Mission & Apologetics in Contemporary Culture
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module helps students engage missionally with contemporary culture. It explores the relationship between Christianity and its social and cultural context, examines major intellectual, social, and religious trends, and provides skills for missional engagement and apologetics.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Oral presentation to a non-specialist audience, 15 mins + written rationale, 1,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 3491

Category: Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Further Reflective Practice in Context (Long) (Ridley Lay Ministry Block delivery)
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: Same as above.
Delivery Methods: Small group learning
Contact Hours: Context engagement: 100, Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 80, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Portfolio, 5,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 3711

Category:Ministry and Mission & Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Reflective Practice: Relationships and Emotional Management (Block delivery)
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module supports students in positively negotiating relationships within ministry. It encourages self-reflection to develop emotional intelligence and resilience, focusing on power dynamics, assertiveness, and self-care. The module integrates research from various disciplines within a theological framework.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and small group work
Contact Hours: Context engagement: 100, Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 80, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Assessed conversation, 20 mins: 50%
  • Component 2: Written theological reflection, 2,500 words: 50%

Module Code: 3721

Category: Ministry and Mission & Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Reflective Practice: Ministry and Mission with Children and Families
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module facilitates students’ development as advanced children and families ministers. It encourages integration of learning within a considered approach to ministry, preparing students to communicate their vision to various audiences.
Delivery Methods: Lectures and small group work
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Context engagement: 80, Preparation: 100, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Portfolio, 5,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 3731

Category: Ministry and Mission & Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Reflective Practice: Ministry and Mission with Young People
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module facilitates students’ development as advanced youth ministers. It encourages integration of learning within a considered approach to ministry, preparing students to communicate their vision to various audiences.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, small group work, and supervised placement
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Context engagement: 80, Preparation: 100, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Portfolio, 5,000 words: 100%

Module Code: 3807

Category: Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Integrative Learning for Collaborative Practice B: Interfaith
Level: 6
Credits: 10
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module examines the scriptural sources, external forces, historical accidents, and internal pressures that have shaped contemporary religious leadership in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Students will visit local synagogues and mosques, and hear from Jewish, Muslim, and Christian leaders. The module provides insights into non-Christian religious leadership and reflects on contemporary Christian leadership.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, discussions, and visits to places of worship
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 10, Preparation: 20, Independent study including group work: 70, Total: 100
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Group project: 60%
  • Component 2: Reflective learning journal, 1,000 words: 40%

Module Code: 3822

Module Title: Term Study Abroad
Level: 6
Credits: 40
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module requires the student to undertake a term of study at an institution approved by the Common Awards Management Board. The study programme ensures that students fulfill the learning outcomes for the DipHE or BA in Theology, Ministry, and Mission.
Delivery Methods: Set by institution
Contact Hours: Set by institution
Assessment Methods: Set by institution

Module Code: 3911

Category: Ministry and Mission & Theological Reflection and Theological Practice

Module Title: Reflective Practice: Sports Ministry and Mission (Block delivery)
Level: 6
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module facilitates students’ development as advanced sports ministers. It synthesizes and integrates learning within a considered approach to ministry, preparing students to communicate their vision for sports ministry to multiple audiences.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars, and small group learning
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Context engagement: 80, Preparation: 100, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Theological Reflection, 2,500 words: 50%
  • Component 2: Written Assignment, 2,500 words: 50%

Level 7 Module List

Module Code: TMM40120

Module Title: The Bible and Christian Faith
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module introduces hermeneutical approaches to interpreting the Bible, addressing historical, literary, and reader-oriented methods. It prepares students to critically engage with various interpretations and apply biblical insights to contemporary issues.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Independent study: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Oral presentation, 30 minutes (50%)
  • Component 2: Reflective learning journal, 2,500 words (50%)

Module Code: TMM40520
Module Title: Issues in Biblical Theology
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module examines key themes and methodologies in biblical theology, focusing on the unity and diversity within the Old and New Testaments. Students explore theological concepts through canonical and contemporary perspectives, culminating in a thematic presentation on chosen biblical topics.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Independent study: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 4,000 words (70%)
  • Component 2: Oral presentation, 15 minutes (30%)

Module Code: TMM40920
Module Title: Advanced Topic in Christian Doctrine: Liberation and Intersectional Theologies
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module explores liberation and intersectional theologies, emphasizing marginalized voices and critical perspectives in Christian doctrine. Students engage with historical and contemporary sources, examining themes like embodied, decolonial, and queer theologies within ecumenical and missionary contexts.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Independent study: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 3,000 words (60%)
  • Component 2: Resource for others, 1,000 words + 1,500 words rationale (40%)

Module Code: TMM41020
Module Title: Advanced Study of a Theological Text
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module offers an in-depth study of David F. Ford’s The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary, examining its theological contributions and relevance to contemporary faith.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Independent study: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 2,500 words (40%)
  • Component 2: Resource and rationale, 1,500 words each (60%)

Module Code: TMM41120
Module Title: Advanced Topic in Church History
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module examines historical developments in church history from the 16th to 20th centuries, focusing on commemoration and its impact on contemporary faith and practice.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Independent study: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Heritage trail, 2,000 words (40%)
  • Component 2: Rationale, 3,000 words (60%)

Module Code: TMM41220
Module Title: Advanced Study of a Christian Figure (Lesslie Newbigin)
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module explores Lesslie Newbigin’s contributions to mission theology, assessing his approaches to ecclesiology, epistemology, and cultural engagement.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Independent study: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Oral presentation and commentary, 15 minutes + 1,000 words (40%)
  • Component 2: Written assignment, 4,000 words (60%)

Module Code: TMM41420
Module Title: Themes in Moral Theology
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module explores contested ethical issues and moral theology approaches, with case studies on topics like ecology, gender, and global finance. Students engage in critical analysis of sources.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Preparation: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Essay, 4,000 words (60%)
  • Component 2: Adult education resource, 2,500 words (40%)

Module Code: TMM42220
Module Title: Research and Reflection: Resources and Methods
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: Yes
Summary of Content: This foundational module introduces research methods for postgraduate theology study, covering theoretical and empirical approaches. Students practice research methods, preparing them for future dissertations or projects.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars, workshops
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Independent study: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written assignment, 5,000 words (100%)

Module Code: TMM42360
Module Title: Dissertation in Theology, Ministry, and Mission
Level: MA
Credits: 60
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module allows students to conduct in-depth research on a chosen topic, culminating in a dissertation. It develops research skills, with supervision and workshops to guide the process.
Delivery Methods: Supervision, workshop
Contact Hours: Supervision: 6, Independent study: 592, Total: 600
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Dissertation, 15,000 words (100%)

Module Code: TMM43920
Module Title: Independent Learning Project
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module enables students to undertake independent study in a chosen area relevant to ministry, guided by a supervisor. Topics are student-driven and may combine library and practical research.
Delivery Methods: Supervision sessions, independent study
Contact Hours: Supervisions: 3, Self-directed study: 197, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Written work, 6,000 words (100%)

Module Code: TMM44120
Module Title: Reflective Practice: Relationships and Emotional Management in Ministry
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module supports students in navigating relationships central to ministry, focusing on emotional intelligence and resilience through self-reflection. Topics include Bowen’s system theory, emotional dynamics in ministry, and best practices for relationship building.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, group work, context engagement
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Context Engagement: 100, Preparation: 80, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Assessed conversation, 30 minutes (50%)
  • Component 2: Theological reflection, 3,000 words (50%)

Module Code: TMM46040
Module Title: Term Study Abroad
Level: MA
Credits: 40
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module allows students to study abroad, fulfilling learning outcomes for the MA program through approved coursework at an international institution.
Delivery Methods: As specified by the host institution
Contact Hours: As specified by the host institution
Assessment Methods: Determined by the host institution and converted to Durham grade

Module Code: TMM47720
Module Title: Advanced Topic in Worship and Liturgical Studies
Level: MA
Credits: 20
Compulsory: No
Summary of Content: This module investigates worship and liturgy, using the Eucharist as a case study to explore theological and ethical dimensions of liturgical practices.
Delivery Methods: Lectures, seminars
Contact Hours: Classroom-based: 20, Independent study: 180, Total: 200
Assessment Methods:

  • Component 1: Assessed conversation, 30 minutes (50%)
  • Component 2: Reflective learning journal, 2,500 words (50%)