
Westminster College, Cambridge, is overseen by its Board of Governors. Owing to its identity as a Resource Centre for Learning, most of the Board’s members are appointed by the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church. Some are appointed to represent particular bodies, such the Cheshunt Foundation, the Cambridge Theological Federation, or the Universities with which we are connected. The College’s teaching staff and students are represented on the Board as well. Since 2014, the Convener of the Board of Governors is Revd Nigel Uden, minister of Downing Place and Fulbourn United Reformed Churches in Cambridge. Previously, he served as Moderator of the United Reformed Church’s Southern Synod and then its General Assembly.

The Board of Governors exercises its oversight partly through the Board of Studies and the Management Committee. The Board of Studies oversees education and learning at Westminster, reporting to the Governors. The current Convener of the Board of Studies is Revd Stuart Scott, Training and Development Officer of the West Midlands Synod in the United Reformed Church. The Management Committee oversees the finances and properties of the College, also reporting to the Governors. The current Convener of the Management Committee is Mr John Ellis. Both the Board of Studies and the Management Committee include representatives of the College’s teaching staff and student body.

As a demonstration of their ongoing commitment to Westminster’s flourishing, many other people serve on College committees and boards, providing considerable service. They often join us for meals and for prayers, in addition to meetings. In these and other ways, they are crucial contributors to the life of the College.

Westminster College is a registered charity (no. 311449). Copies of our Trustees’ Annual Reports and Consolidated Financial Statements are available here.