Revd Peter Ball
Director of Church Resource Development

Phone: +44 (0) 1223 330626

Peter Ball joined Westminster College in 2017 as Director of Church Resource Development. In this role, Peter leads the college’s wider remit of being a Resource Centre for Learning for the whole denomination, in addition to taking his full part in college life alongside his other teaching staff colleagues. He works closely with Synods and their Training Officers and Mission Enablers, as well as serving the denomination as part of the Walking the Way Steering Group and the Stepwise Task and Finish Group. Peter is also to convene the working group looking at Online-church in the URC.

He has a keen interest in and experience of Pioneering ministries and Fresh Expressions of church and is currently helping to develop a Learning Community for Pioneers in the URC, which is a joint Westminster/ URC Mission Department initiative working with eleven projects based across the denomination.

Peter trained at Westminster (1991-94) and has an MA in Pastoral Theology from Anglia Ruskin University (2005). He previously had pastorates at Sawston Free Church, Little Abingdon and St John’s URC Ipswich. Before taking up his post at Westminster, he was Mission and Training Officer for the URC’s Eastern Synod.

His recent publications include contributing to Resourcing Rural Ministry (2015).