Ordination to the Ministry of Word and Sacraments of the United Reformed Church.
A significant number of students at Westminster are preparing for ordination to the Ministry of Word and Sacraments of the United Reformed Church.
Students training at Westminster come from diverse backgrounds. Some have much academic experience, many feel they have little. We delight in working with care and time with everyone and we aim to find a course to suit individual student needs.
We teach courses through the university of Durham and share teaching across the ecumenical Cambridge Theological Federation.
We offer both residential and non-residential forms of full-time and part-time training. These are available for those who want to move to Cambridge and also for those who need to stay in their local context for the duration of their formation for ministry.
- Contextual Theology and Placements
- Living Ministry Programme
- Rooted in worship
- Personal support
- Where will you live?
- What Our Students Say
Contextual Theology and Placements
Education for ministry has a strong focus on personal development – connecting the experience and insight students have and will gain, with the deepened understanding of the ways of God that reflection and learning can offer.
We take seriously the Church’s calling to mission, to serve God and make Christ known among our neighbours. Theology involves an understanding of human community, and an imaginative vision of God’s varied ways of working in the world. Through a variety of placements the college works to integrate practical experience and theological study. Placements are a growing part of our courses for all students. We aim to hold together the insights that come from working with people in church and community with the wisdom gained from reading and from teachers, from seminars and classes, discussions and writing.
URC students on residential courses at Westminster are expected to undertake a regular Sunday church attachment, and major blocks of placement in the vacations each year, leading up to a year of placement in a congregation through our Living Ministry Programme. URC students on the block-week degree course (coming to Westminster 4-6 times a year) will be based in their local context for training, and will undertake placements in a variety of different contexts according to their location and experience ahead of their Living Ministry Placement.
Living Ministry Programme
All URC candidates preparing for ordination complete the Living Ministry Programme (LMP) in addition to any academic awards. The LMP involves nine months spent in a pastorate local to where a student lives, under the supervision of a local minister, with four block weeks across the year based back at college for reflection, support and learning. The LMP is an on-going exploration of the practice and context of ministry and mission.
Rooted in worship
Every working day in Westminster includes, for those in Cambridge, a short times of worship, led by a student or staff member. Prayer is at the heart of each day and meeting with God together is the heart of our life as a Christian community. In 2017 we introduced new patterns of shared spiritual life including Bible study and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper shared by students and teachers. We also enjoy worship within the Federation during term, so that we discover the breadth of the ecumenical church at prayer.
Personal support
Westminster has a number of full-time, part-time and associate teaching staff – all specialist teachers and committed to the church’s ministry, and all involved in the wider life of the Church. The college also has a Chaplain who is available to all students and staff and whose conversations play no part in any assessment processes. So the college offers the kind of personal support and care that can help students develop their strengths and confidence for life and ministry. Many student spouses, partners, families and friends play an active part in the life of college. We try to ensure that the social life of the college adapts itself to the changing makeup of the student community each year.
Where will you live?
Where you live will depend upon your family circumstances and the course that is best for you. There are many and varied patterns among our students.
Some URC students, on full or part-time programmes, commute as they need to from home, staying overnight in Cambridge as necessary. URC students on the Durham Common Awards block-week courses will come and stay at Westminster for 4-6 weeks a year, with dates set well in advance.
Some URC students move to Cambridge for the whole period of their education for ministry. Westminster works with the URC to offer appropriate accommodation in flats or rented houses locally. Some flats are available on the college site. The flats on the Westminster site have been recently refurbished.
I have more questions. What should I do?
Please contact the Tutorial Office (or on 01223 33 06 49), who will then connect you with the Director of Studies if necessary.