Bible and Christian Faith

The opportunity

Did you know you can attend individual modules, in subjects you are interested in, here at Westminster, without being registered for a degree?

We believe that we are called to resource all who God has called. This is why we have made the teaching at Westminster open to everyone. There are two ways you can come and learn with us, without registering for a degree:

  1. You can audit a specific module. This means you attend all the classes of your chosen module and learn about that module topic alongside confessional Christians from all walks of live.
  2. You can take a module as a ‘taster’ module. For people considering undergraduate or postgraduate theological study, a taster module gives you the opportunity to attend all the classes and complete the module assignments for credit. This gives you the additional opportunity of ‘tasting’ whether undergraduate or postgraduate theological study is for you.

The module

This module offers an introduction to Christian worship for the purposes of preparation for public ministry. Its perspectives are ecumenical, historical, theological and phenomenological, and it aims to help you root your own experience and tradition within the wider contexts of the Christian faith, as well as to grow in confidence in your ability to interpret and apply your learning to your specific ministerial setting.

The historical material will provide a general overview of the origins and development of forms of Christian worship. The phenomenological study will have as its primary focus the two dominical sacraments of baptism and eucharist, as well as the proclamation of the word. The emphasis will be on the Western liturgical tradition, though reference will be made where appropriate to Eastern practice.

The practical aspects of the module will include discussion of contemporary contextual challenges, and the need to negotiate faithfulness to the inherited tradition in situations of change and complexity. Tradition-specific practice will be covered elsewhere in tradition-specific contexts, though many of the tools that enable us to work within such contexts will be introduced in the module.


How is it taught?
It is taught in person.

When is it taught?
11am to 1pm. Thursdays from 23rd January to 13th March 2025.

What if the teaching dates have passed?
Don’t worry, we will be teaching the module again in the next academic year. Let us know you are interested in the module on the booking form, and we will let you know the next teaching dates as soon as they are confirmed.

What are the classes and sessions like?
Class sizes vary between 5-25. There is always a wide range of age, backgrounds, and experience in the room, which makes for a very rich learning experience. The sessions are held here at Westminster and involve a mixture of lecture-style content, seminar-style discussions and small group work.

Who teaches the classes?
Classes are taught by the teaching staff at Westminster or our colleagues in the wider Cambridge Theological Federation. Often we teach modules together, which creates an exciting ecumenical environment for learning.

Do I need to have studied any theology before?
No. This is a level 4 module and does nor require previous theological study. There are no admission requirements to audit the module. To undertake the module for credit, please see the entry requirements for undergraduate study.

How much does it cost?

  • £180 – to audit (URC member)
  • £210 – to audit (non URC member)
  • £500 – for credit

What is the Common Awards Module code?
TMM1537 Introduction to Christian Worship

How do I apply?
Please download the Come-Study-with-Us-2024-25-Booking-Form-1 and email the completed form to the Tutorial Office.

Can I stay at Westminster?
Yes, subject to room availability. Please see the booking form for more details.

Can I attend other modules?
Yes. Please see the booking form for other options.

I have more questions. What should I do?
Please contact the Tutorial Office (or on 01223 33 06 49).

Contact us today